=evolution=not=revolution= photo copyright 2006 =shaun=
Friday, August 25, 2006
  buy now
Lather, rinse, repeat, renounce
Fabric softener with extra bounce!
Reality check on aisle nine
A sign of the times
in the time of the signs
Thursday, August 17, 2006
  =we interrupt this stream of consciousness for an important announcement=
For an explanation of what's going on on this blog, you'll need to visit my other blog:

http://whyscientology.blogspot.com/2006/08/evolutionnotrevolution-was-it-really.html, and http://whyscientology.blogspot.com/2006/08/evolutionary-manifesto-non-darwin.html.

That's where you'll find the answers and solutions.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
  was it really a war?
when i was young
relative to my current age
they told me there was a war
with iraq

fought o'er oil

and i looked around
and i couldn't find any war
in my backyard
or my room
or my school

and so

i was a bit confused

when i was older
than i was then
they told me there was a war
with iraq

and i knew better
than to look
and try to find the war

i looked instead
for human rights
and i found them

Sunday, August 13, 2006
  what are human rights? find out
don't you know your human rights?
are you human?
because, if you are, you do have rights
and you can find out what they are
at youthforhumanrights.org

if you are not human, that's fine
but you do have your rights
and you should find out what they are.
  we seek evolution, not revolution
this is the beginning
this is the battle between the light and the dark
and the resolution of the conflicts of man
is what is at stake
truth will win the day
if we ourselves are bright enough
to see the truth
to find the answers
and to use them
not for self satisfaction
or self sacrifice
but for the greatest good
for the greatest number of dynamics
are you with me?
because i am a Scientologist.

August 2006 /